Homesteading can mean lots of things to lots of folks. To many, it basically means being self-sufficient and providing as much as you can for your family via your own labors & getting back to the simple life. We wanted to have a farm, but as life often goes, sometimes we can't have what we want when we want it! Several years ago we found ourselves with our homesteading urges, but no real ability to have large outside projects. So we had to look inside. I have baked bread for years, so it was a good place to start.
We decided to purchase a Mill to grind grain in. That gives our family a more nutritious bread and we get to be more involved in the production of our food. {If you are interested check out Pleasant Hill Grain online for mills and grain.} It is nice for our children to see that the bread flour that we have bought at the store is nothing like actual grain that is ground. And we can now have fresh grain ground daily for a nice loaf of bread if we so desire. This was our first major financial investment in homesteading. It might work that one day we can grow our own grain...that would rock! But for now we buy it in 5 gallon buckets and thru smaller quantity vendors.
There is something really great about providing a loaf of bread or pan of rolls to guests, kids, or yourself! Some honey bought from a local supplier slathered on a hot roll... it just does not get better.
It is a craft, and like many things in life the more you try the better you get! I would encourage everyone to try it at least a handful of time and you just might get addicted! And if you are an inspiring homesteader, you can easliy start with breadmaking.
Have a happy day!
Very cool Cathy!
ReplyDelete- April