Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Stay At Home Mom

I have chosen to be a stay at home mom. Actually, I chose this long before our first baby came to us. I quit my job a few months after we married due to the commute. Then I did work two jobs for a while in the few years after that, but just for months at a time, so they really don't count! I have to note that we did not have a lot of fact I guess many would think we were on the lower tier, and I guess we were. But God is good and it all worked out! It was great because it set us on a one income path from the start. Going to work was not really ever an option. It amazes me know.... I really don't feel like we have to do without, in anyway. We desire the simpler life. To us that means it is all about family, serving the Lord, using our time to create special memories for others, giving in various ways, and supplying for ourselves as we can from the labors of our own hands. It is like the old saying...Posses the possessions, don't let them posses you!

1 comment:

  1. You know I'm right there with you girl! We have definitely had times where you think for a minute...hey if I had a job, we might not be so broke...but then you realize that while yes, you might be giving up x amount of money by choosing to stay home, look what you're gaining! I wouldn't give up the time I've had with my girls over the years for any amount of money and I am SO thankful that we are blessed enough that I can stay home with them...
    - April
