Monday, January 9, 2012

The Day Where Grace Abounded!

Today was the first day back to the full force of non holiday life. We dabbled in it last week, but did not fully return. So today I tried to be motivated. I gave the children a lighter load of school work to help them ease into life as a student. Then my youngest had a break down. Actually it was a fit! A LOUD one. I thought I was almost past that stage in child development, apparently not so!! So after wading through those troubled waters, I moved on to projects. I went through all of my kitchen cabinets (well, three were fine so I did not do those). Now I know what I actually have and where it is. The last place I cleaned was under the sink. I took everything out and found a small and slow water leak. I was able to fix it quickly (apparently I had not tightened a part down enough when I installed it). I thankfully had more contact paper to put in and then cleaned my tiles and put them back in on top of that. Then I noticed that beside our back door the floor had given way. Just a small section, but I pulled it up and found I need to replace part of the sub floor. The downer is that we just out the new floor in last November. I don't know if I just did not notice the problem area, or it rapidly deteriorated for unknown reasons! So now I can see my days in the near future...replacing a floor! And if you have never done it, trust me when I say it is a lot of work!

So even with the drama of life, Grace, God's grace, abounds! These things are not big things in life...a floor, a leaky sink. I have had awful days, when I was told my baby would not make it 48 hours, and when my husband was shot in Iraq. God's grace was there those days. It is just so nice to know that no matter our days, that every day is a day where God's Grace abounds, no matter how good nor how tradgic. His peace can rule (we have to let it!) and His hand will protect us (if we put ourselves under Him). Today was a reminder of that to me. He alone is all I need to get through matter what they bring.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely LOVE this post girl...thanks for the reminder that no matter how bad things seem, they could always be worse and we should thank God for whatever blessings He's given us!
    - April
