Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Raised Garden Beds

This winter has been shamefully warm here. My bulbs are up already! So this weekend we are going to plan our Gardens. Here is what we are planning to work with. (We cannot do in ground gardens where we are...there are dense roots under the top soil all over our yard)

We built these frames this summer/fall. The berry posts were yielding lovely berries until our dog ate the whole plant, thus the netting now. We have had lots of our strawberry plants multiply, so that is great. We are going to fill the boxes soon. We filled them slightly with topsoil, peat moss, and leaves that have since had time to compost down. We did use treated lumber (after reading the views of both sides) and have waited to fill them until the leaching could take place over the last months.

I am thinking we will decide to add more boxes. We had such success with what little we did this past year, that it excites me to see what this year holds. We will be able to use our compost (we keep it meat and dairy free for scent and safety!) and chicken poop. We did not move in until May last year, and it was June-July before we were settled. So this year we have lots of opportunity!

1 comment:

  1. I think this is awesome Cathy!! I can't wait until the day we have our own yard and can have a garden. :)
    - April
