Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How I Use My Time

We each have 24 hours in a day. We might be richer, poorer, younger, older...but we all have 24 hours in a day.  I have said for years I get more done in a day with 4 kids than I did when I had 2. I figure it has to do with having to watch how you use your time. Less to do gives one more time to spend without having to be purposeful. With my kids no longer being babies (we had diapers almost solid on somebody for about 10 years) I find that I am once again needing to get motivated about how I spend my time. It is so easy to surf the Internet, watch a tv show, or just piddle. Just a little bit her and there adds up..and sometimes we don't even realize it. There is nothing wrong with enjoying these things of course...just how much they occupy your 24 hours is the issue. Where do we want to end up in 5, 20, 50 years? If we are not intentional, we will be saddened then I think.

So I am going to make some goals for myself. Things I need to organize the pantry (again!), and mulch the plants. And things that are vital, like playing games with the kids one on one, or doing something with them specifically. I need to make sure those important things don't get lost in my 24 hours. It is SO easy to do! I plan to strive for this in the next week. To use my 24 hours for others, and for my family. To leave a legacy for them, to bless them, and to let them each know how important they are to me.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great post and an awesome reminder! I totally get what you're saying and have told myself I need to set some new goals for this year too. I always complain that it feels like I drive all day and can't get things done, but alot of the time, some of that driving is by choice (like trips to Michaels, lol!!). I need to really think about what needs to get done and DO it instead of making excuses. ;)
    - April
