Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies;Eating Out

It has been a long while since I have baked Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies. I made some this afternoon. So delicious. I mean Super Yummy. I use the recipe from Hershey's Dark Chocolate Chips. It is the best recipe I have ever found for CC cookies. And something I learned from a friend...take them out before they appear done. When they are set, not firm. They will harden slightly as they cool, and you will be left with a moist, soft cooky.

And today we WANTED to eat out. And we had thought about going to a town a ways away to shop for some things. But, I had not pre-cooked us anything, so alas, we ended up at home. We had bacon and was good. Plus I was able to make dinner (baked spaghetti & bread) while working on lunch so there will be little clean up and time to make dinner. Yippee!

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