Sunday, January 8, 2012

Family Date Night is getting Modified!

After getting the great news that my husband was not going to deploy for a while, we began something we call Date Night. We don't hardly ever do babysitters (other than my mother-in-law when she comes to visit, then we sometimes leave the kids). We really enjoy begin together as a family, but also want to have a fun time with our children, and we need a break from our routine sometimes! So we came up with Date Night...I take one or more of the children, and my husband takes the others. We would go do dinner somewhere, maybe dessert, and go shopping or whatever. One evening, my son and I got take out, and came home and watched a show we both really like. It is was so on one time. My husband took the girls to eat and to the craft store one night. So simple, just when every one is excited about Friday Night Family Date Night, it turns it into so much fun!

Some nights we all stay together. We had a duct tape craft night...we got tons of duck tape and all sat in the living room and made was enjoyable! we have decided to not eat out...for 60 days. Then only about twice a month thereafter (that is the plan at this point...we shall see!!)
Soooooooo, I have had to come up with something fun that is eat me a break from a whole big meal to prepare, and is fun for the kids. I came up with this:
A popcorn maker
A Hotdog Roller (like the thing that they use in convince stores to heat up hot dogs, but home sized!)
A Blender

I have all but the hot dog roller, which can double as a toquitto heater also for the child that does not eat hot dogs (I have one that quit eating them, can't say I blame her!) . Milkshakes or smoothies can be made with the blender, popcorn is always good and feels festive. It is quick to do and fast to clean up. I might add a cotton candy maker, too. They will loose their minds if we get the cotton candy maker!

I encourage you to do something special just for fun with those that you love in your life. It does not have to cost a games, talk, or give them a manicure. Pop some popcorn and play board games. Go to the library and rent a movie (usually free or like a $1). Get a pile of books and read to little ones. Have a older person over to eat with your family one evening.Be purposeful with those you love AND those that need friendship! You get to double get a huge blessing doing for them and so do they! 

 I used to have movie nights when we lived in VA. I would get cupcakes with a theme (like Shrek) from the store, and pick up the movie and plates and cups to go with it. Then I would invite a neighbor friend of ours over. It was a blast! Here is my youngest at the Shrek movie night.
If you are lacking for people to share time with...look around. Your neighborhood is a good place to start sometimes. We had a princess party for about 10 or so little gals from the neighborhood. It was SO much fun to put together. Here was our table of food for that. We played games and all the little girls dressed up! The mom's had time to chat and had a little break. I did not know all these people, but it was a great way to bless others!

1 comment:

  1. Such great ideas! I think it's awesome that you each get some one-on-one time with the kids this way, and the at-home date nights sound like they'll be alot of fun too!
    - April
    P.S. This is one of my favorite pics of Abbs. ;)
