Sunday, January 1, 2012

Home Sweet Homeschool

We are currently home educating all of our children. When we began we had a totally great space...a room that was about 17' x 10'. It was a fully renovated space above the two car garage. That was 170 dedicated square classroom feet! After a while I found that we did not need a formal class area (as many, many, many other homeschool mom's had said prior to my deciding I did need it!...Live and learn...but it would have been easier to glean from the start their wisdom!). Now I have no formal area. Each child has a desk, and we have a cubby system for their school books,  to keep things tidy. We have our school computer in our new "barn" which is a small cute Amish styled building we have had wired. It also doubles as our art center as it as a built in workbench that is quite spacious. It houses our puzzles and other things. There is also seating in there for puzzles, games, or reading.

 The thing I miss most is my desk....I don't have one currently. I keep my things filed in boxes, but am working on a way to make space for a desk that can function as I need it to, in an area that will be beneficial for not only schooling, but for other times like letter writing, bill paying, etc.

I have found that a smaller space is in ways better for our educational purposes. I can keep an eye much easier on what each child is doing. Before, if someone was going to read upstairs, for example, I might not get to check on them as frequently when helping another child as I now can. And as all mom's know, we can simply listen and know what they are up to! And a smaller home helps me keep tabs on who needs encouragement, or who's snack break is running a bit long! Our cubby storage is located by our front door. I had it made to go beside my stackable washer /dryer, but then found it to be perfect to hold the books in lieu of the iron and soap! Here is a pic (we like rustic looking furniture as you will notice) The short one is where I store my keys, workbooks, books not currently in use for school, paper, and so forth and the tall one opens to 4 cubbies, perfect for our 4 children!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds to me like you've got a system going now that really works for you and that's great! I'm also happy that you currently DO have your desk now, so yay!
    - April
