Sunday, January 22, 2012

Homeschool Upgrade

As my children get older, I am seeing how even Home schools must adapt and grow with their students. I guess I thought only the content would change, but we have climbed one mountain and now see there is a new one to ascend! How wonderful!

I upped the ante this year a little. I attempt to do that every year at least once. Get them used to and ok with one work load, then add to it when they are ready.

My 2nd grader finished her ENTIRE math curricula for this year~ JUMP 2. It is January. She began the same curricula on  the 3rd grade level. And she will soon begin (God Willing) Teaching Textbooks in addition that (3rd grade level on that) So........we are now having more and more things on the computer.

We are not believers in allowing young children to have most of their schooling on the computer, nor do we want that to be where all of their schooling comes from (just our current preference). But I now see as they get older how handy it is.

This is what we are looking at for the 2nd semester for the computer. I would like to upgrade as far as our computers go (our laptop recently crashed!) so we can have at least two for them to use.

1) Teaching Textbooks Math --Grades 3,5,6
2) Critical Thinking ~ all three grade levels
3) Typing~ all three grade levels
4) Russian Foreign Language~ Rosetta Stone~ sixth grade
5) Spanish Foreign Language~ Rosetta Stone~fourth grade

My youngest uses Starfall too currently, so that is one to add to the list I suppose. I have Muzzy for the little girls and Spanish, so I can use that on the TV.

It is funny how things change~ I might have said years ago I would never let them be on the computer for so many things!

So I am excited they can learn things like Russian (I am not fluent in that!) and am thankful for the computer to give them such opportunities that they desire.

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